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研究ers have unexpectedly found that a drug that has been used for the past 50 years to treat heart failure and high blood pressure also inhibits infection by the Epstein Barr virus, 哪一种会导致单核细胞增多症并与几种癌症有关. 该研究的主要作者, Sankar Swaminathan, MD, 犹他大学卫生保健中心传染病主任, 讨论他是如何得到这个偶然发现的, and the potential broader implications for treating other illnesses caused by 疱疹 virus, 包括带状疱疹, 莫诺, 疱疹, 和脑膜炎. 请阅读 PNAS 了解更多 在大发娱乐.


面试官: 一种对抗病毒感染的新药可能隐藏在人们的视线之中. 接下来是《大发体育官网》.

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面试官: 我正在和医生谈话. Sankar Swaminathan是犹他大学卫生保健中心传染病主任. Dr. Swaminathan, you just published some interesting findings in the proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences. 你发现了什么?? 这是怎么开始的?

Dr. Swaminathan: 大多数人都熟悉由爱泼斯坦-巴尔病毒引起的单核细胞增多症. 爱泼斯坦-巴尔病毒也被称为EBV. 不仅是这种EBV引起了单核细胞增多症, but it also in a small number of people can lead to various types of malignancies or cancers.

与eb病毒相关的最常见的恶性肿瘤是伯基特淋巴瘤, 淋巴细胞哪一种是恶性肿瘤. And t在大发娱乐's also a tumor that occurs mostly in Southern China and other parts of the world called nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 哪一种是鼻子和喉咙的癌症. 这些都与EBV有关.

所以大发娱乐对研究EVB及其与癌症的关系非常感兴趣. Almost all of us are infected with EBV and it's asymptomatic that is without any known symptoms. But yet in a small percentage of people, it can cause disease that's quite serious in later life.

When we started working on this project to look at compounds that could inhibit EBV replication, 大发娱乐最初并没有真正开始寻找药物抗病毒药物. What we set out initially to do was to see if we could find compounds that would inhibit one particular protein that's made by EBV and this protein is called SM protein. 大发娱乐对它的作用机制很感兴趣, 多年来,人们对这种蛋白质的功能进行了基础研究.

And one of the reasons that we've been interested in this protein is that all 疱疹 viruses whether it's 疱疹 simplex virus or chicken pox virus, they all express a similar protein and this family of proteins is critical for virus replication. 大发娱乐对这种基本蛋白质非常感兴趣,想知道它是如何工作的. And so we devised an assay to look for small molecules that can inhibit the function of this protein.

面试官: 你化验的时候发现了什么?

Dr. Swaminathan:大发娱乐第一次开始做这个实验时,大发娱乐只筛选了几百种化合物. 当一种特定的化合物, 在这个所谓的化合物库中, 非常清楚地显示抑制了SM蛋白的功能. And then we tried it on cells that were actually infected with the virus and we were very gratified to find that as one might predict, those viruses could no longer replicate because they really need that SM protein to replicate.

面试官: 所以你发现了一种可以减少eb病毒感染的药物. 这个化合物令人惊讶的是? 是什么??

Dr. Swaminathan: 我还是很惊讶, 在某种程度上, because this is a drug that's been in used for 50 years and it's primarily used to increase loss of water. 所以它是一种利尿剂,对心脏也有影响. 所以它被用在心力衰竭和肝功能衰竭的人身上, 谁有异常的液体潴留, 它还会增加体内游离水的流失.

在这段时间里, 没有人想到过它可能还有像这个实例这样的其他功能, 大发娱乐的发现真的很偶然. 我认为大发娱乐有初步证据表明它不仅对EBV的SM蛋白有效, 但它可能对其他疱疹病毒有效. 所以大发娱乐现在正在积极尝试, 事实上, 它对那些相似的蛋白质和其他病毒起作用.

面试官: 这种药叫什么?

Dr. Swaminathan: 它叫做螺内酯.

面试官: 所以你现在不会想用螺内酯作为抗病毒药物?

Dr. Swaminathan: 不,因为它是一种有效的利尿剂和心力衰竭药物,还有荷尔蒙作用. So and those hormonal effects are somewhat of an undesirable side effect for use in heart failure patients, 例如.

有趣的是,还有其他非常相似的化合物, 其中一种也用于病人. Those very similar compounds that have this diuretic function do not have the antiviral function at all from what we can tell. 这让大发娱乐想到可以把这两个函数分开. We're actively working with chemists 在大发娱乐 at the University of Utah to try to make some of those derivatives and test them to see if we can separate the antiviral effect from the known effects of spironolactone.

面试官: So your hope is to modify this existing drug so that it only works as an antiviral and hopefully one that works against that entire class of 疱疹 viruses. 是这样吗??

Dr. Swaminathan: 完全正确. 这个靶标不同于现有药物的靶标. Although available drugs against 疱疹 viruses currently are directed against replication of the DNA or genetic material of these viruses. 这意味着它是一类毒品. 当你产生抗药性时,你通常会对班里的许多药物产生抗药性. So we're somewhat limited once we get into problems with resistance or toxicity with this class of drugs. And so I think it would be a significant advance particularly for CMV to have another set of tools as far as fighting this virus or virus infections.

面试官: Is t在大发娱乐 a particular reason why doctors or patients might be excited about a new drug like this coming aboard eventually?

Dr. Swaminathan: 这些都是推测, any time you have a limited or a moratorium against the particular infection or infections, 尝试服用其他药物是很重要的. And I think another potential exciting possibility to my mind is that t在大发娱乐's a possibility of synergy. 当你有针对两个不同目标的药物时, 你可以大发娱乐防止耐药性的出现, 你可能会得到协同杀伤. 所以这些都是有额外药物的原因.

有时你会有药物不耐受或过敏. These are again why it's important to have additional tools in suppressing viral's replication.

面试官: 我还有一个问题,这是我的naÔvetÈ. 当我想到用于治疗感染的药物时, 它们通常是抗菌药物. 大发娱乐还经常使用抗病毒药物吗? 如果有人得了单核细胞增多症,大发娱乐通常会给他们抗病毒药物吗?

Dr. Swaminathan: 这不是一个naÔve问题. 这是一个非常好的问题. 我认为大发娱乐使用的抗病毒药物没有抗生素那么多的原因是第一, 大发娱乐只是没有很多有效的抗病毒药物. If I could give you an antiviral drug that would cut your cold symptoms in half or even by a third, 大多数人都会欣然接受这个机会. 现在大发娱乐确实有一些抗病毒药物对流感有效. 它们并不像大发娱乐希望的那样有效.

人们尝试抗单核细胞增多症的抗病毒药物的原因. 单核细胞增多症的问题在于当你出现症状时, 实际上是在你被感染几周后, 我觉得少了一美元,晚了一天. 大家都知道它是通过唾液传播的. It's called the kissing disease and I think it would be very hard to do at trial w在大发娱乐 you gave teenagers a drug before they kiss someone.

面试官: 是的. So the drug that you would be developing would probably be reserved mostly for these special situations from compromised patients, 例如, 哪里有生命危险 . . .?

Dr. Swaminathan: 好吧, one of the other areas w在大发娱乐 it's commonly used actually is in drugs that are active against 疱疹 simplex virus. Valacyclovir是其中之一. It's used every day by people who have frequent recurrences or outbreaks of genital 疱疹 or cold sores on their lip. So these people take Valtrex every day and this helps to decrease the incidence of symptomatic recurrences.

面试官: 那么你对这个项目的目标是什么?

Dr. Swaminathan: 所以大发娱乐想, 如我所说, to make those derivatives that will not have adverse side effects due to spironolactone's known properties, 大发娱乐愿意 . . . assuming we do manage to develop these derivatives that are strictly antiviral or preferably antiviral. 不管怎么说,体外实验令人兴奋, 在实验室的试管里, we find that spironolactone is as effective as some of the currently available drugs against EBV.

所以如果大发娱乐能制造出一种大发娱乐认为可能在临床上有用的衍生物, then we would hope that we could advance that into preclinical testing with the goal of getting it into a patient's trial.

虽然这不是大发娱乐的业务, it really I think is incredibly gratifying when t在大发娱乐's some possibility that in your lifetime, you could see something that you've been working on in a laboratory actually make it to patient care.

播音员: 有趣,内容丰富,而且都是为了更好的健康. 大发娱乐是Scope健康科学广播.