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Feb 10, 2016
Croaking, creaking, 还有声音,它们都是对一种以低沉为特征的说话方式的不同描述, vibratory sound that often comes at the end of a sentence. 毫无疑问,你听到过许多女孩和女人,甚至一些男孩和男人这样说话. Maybe even your own kids. It’s not only bothersome to many people to listen to, 但它也会导致声带疲劳,并可能损害声带. Speech disorders expert Dr. 凯瑟琳·肯德尔将其称为向后聚焦的声音. We asked Dr. 肯德尔,如果这是一种真正的疾病,如果它可以治愈.

Episode Transcript

Announcer: 来自犹他大学专家和医生的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过上更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to The Scope.

Interviewer: Your child has developed a croaking talking style. 这是你应该关心的问题吗?可以解决吗? Dr. 凯瑟琳·肯德尔是语言和吞咽障碍方面的专家. 所以我听到有人说她呱呱叫,吱吱作响,爆米花或声音fry. Explain to me what vocal fry is. First of all, can you do a vocal fry for us?

Dr. Kendall: I can't. It would be against my profession to do a vocal fry. I'm not very good at that, but it does involve often using . . .

Interviewer: It kind of sounds like this. Somebody is like, "Oh, so glad to have you guys out here."

Dr. Kendall: Exactly. We refer to that as a backward-focused voice, a deepening of the pitch, it often involves the muscles, not of the true vocal folds, but the ventricular folds, which are located above the true vocal folds. 这些结构的振动产生了更深的音调. You often see it in girls, 但大发娱乐也在年轻男性中看到,这实际上是一种技术,而不是一种疾病.

Interviewer: 所以如果你想多读一些关于声乐的书,在某种程度上它几乎相当于山谷语.

Dr. Kendall: Absolutely.

Interviewer: 这是一种为了特定目的说话的方式,一个人说话可能是因为他们想亲近卡戴珊姐妹,也可能是因为《大发娱乐》(New York Times)有一篇文章讲的是,在金融行业的董事会里,有权势的女性是如何用它来显得不那么具有威胁性的. But is it a good thing? Is it a bad thing? If your child is doing it, should you stop them?

Dr. Kendall: I think you should stop them.

Interviewer: Yes. From a medical standpoint, 不仅仅是从这样的角度来看,当他们这样说话时,可能会让很多父母发疯.

Dr. Kendall: Exactly. 实际上我也读过其他的文章说当人们使用这种声音风格的时候会被认为不那么聪明. So for that reason, also, I think it should be stopped. But I do think that individuals will develop vocal fatigue, it's possible to develop pain with speaking, 继发性病变和颈部肌肉紧张是有问题的.

Interviewer: So you've seen these sorts of things. What's going on exactly? 它与没有按照特定的人的方式使用声音有关.

Dr. Kendall: Exactly. 所以他们用的不是他们自己的风格,不是他们的基准风格. 这是一种不同的疾病,需要肌肉收缩,这是他们通常不会做的,这就是随之而来的一些声音疲劳.

Interviewer: So, as a parent, 我不想让我的孩子再这样做了,因为你所表达的原因,也许还有其他原因. Do you just say, "Stop it"? Do you say, "Just speak up?“因为对我来说,听起来他们只是没有把力量隐藏在他们的声音背后.

Dr. Kendall: 这是事实,但他们需要把自己的声音聚焦在前方,就像它就在他们面前一样. They need to project it, not necessarily squeeze harder to get louder, 这就是当人们被要求大声说话时他们不改变音调的做法吗. 他们需要提高音调,所以不仅仅是音量,还有音调的变化. That will usually relieve it. Some people can just be told, "Stop it," and they will, 但通常他们需要声音疗法来大发娱乐他们意识到他们是如何使用自己的声音的,并大发娱乐他们找到自己自然的音高和风格.

Interviewer: 我猜这有点类似于你走路的姿势不适合太久, 它会成为你正常走路方式的一部分,要消除这些东西需要做很多工作. And is that why the professional is needed?

Dr. Kendall: 当然,这就像受伤愈合后长时间跛行一样. 你以一种自动和自然的方式使用你的肌肉,你没有有意识地思考,你必须忘掉那种模式,回到你所谓的基线或正常模式. It's in your brain, 它在那里是因为你从出生或开始说话时就在使用它, and it just needs to be reset to that normal pattern.

Interviewer: So if you're a parent, try first of all saying, "Stop it."

Dr. Kendall: That would definitely be my first step. I would say, "Raise your pitch. 我希望你和我说话的时候用正常的声音,不要用那种油炸声." So get them out of it and if they have difficulty, 语言病理学家或喉科医生当然可以大发娱乐提供大发娱乐.

Interviewer: And you mentioned vocal fatigue can occur as a result of this. Is that the point you normally see somebody?

Dr. Kendall: Yes, 大发娱乐经常看到病人来抱怨声音疲劳,一天下来他们的声音就发哑了, worsening vocal quality. What we will hear from them is this vocal fry style. 当大发娱乐和治疗师一起工作时,很容易向他们证明这不是他们的正常风格. 通常,他们会想,“哦,这是真的. 当我用一种更自然、更简单的风格时,我的声音就不一样了.“他们也能感觉到,因为他们用来创造更深沉、更刺耳的声音风格的肌肉紧张, like I said, very fatiguing and they can notice a change right away.

Interviewer: If somebody seeks out some professional help, 一般来说,他们需要多长时间才能好转或改变他们的说话方式?

Dr. Kendall: Well, on the topic of voice use in general, if it's fatiguing and tiring, and basically there is a deterioration of vocal quality, something's not right about how you're speaking. 这应该是一个迹象,也许,应该进行评估. 那些声音变化持续两周以上的人或者另一群人应该到大发娱乐的诊所来评估声音问题, 通常这些问题可以在一次治疗中解决. 所以确实有很多改善的潜力我不想让任何人觉得他们必须在没有得到评估的情况下继续处理这个声音问题因为它可以非常有效地治疗.

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